About Mary
Mary has Challenged Powerful Special Interests
1) Mary led her neighbors in a successful challenge to Sutter Health. Sutter Health proposed a new medical office building in her neighborhood that did not meet city guide lines. After negotiations and City Council hearings, the community got arguably the best-looking office building in Tracy. And Sutter agreed to move the existing 100-year-old tree to the corner rather than cutting it down.
2) Mary successfully sued the City of Tracy and Surland Development over an illegal Development Agreement. The most significant outcome was that the Cit of Tracy regained control of the development of swim facilities – swim facilities that Surland has promised and delayed for 20 years.
Rooted in Tracy
➤ Raised in Tracy
➤ Tracy High School Graduate
➤ BA degree, UC Santa Barbara
Mary’s Civic Involvement
⬥ Nature Park – Led the effort to establish an 86-acre Nature Park adjacent to Legacy Fields – currently slated for development by the City
⬥ Legacy Fields – as a Council Member, initiated the vote to restart construction
⬥ Tracy City Council Member – two years 2015-2016
⬥ Sutter-Gould Medical Building – Led a successful effort to hold Sutter-Gould Health Medical Building to city design standards
⬥ Regional Parks – advocated for a regional park in the Tracy area resulting in the purchase of 100 acres for a future county park
⬥ San Joaquin County Parks and Recreation Commissioner – 11 years
⬥ Tracy Public Cemetery Board – served for seven years 2005-2012
⬥ City of Tracy General Plan – task force to recommendations to new City General Plan
⬥ School Bonds – worked on two school bond campaigns that rebuilt Tracy High and other schools
Mary is:
✓ dedicated to effective City Governance
✓ dedicated to providing quality city services
✓ dedicated to improving our streets and roads
✓ dedicated to providing transportation that meets the needs of our community
✓ dedicated to Public Safety
✓ dedicated to her hometown’s success
✓ dedicated to the success of Tracy businesses
✓ dedicated to the improvement of Tracy’s Historic Downtown
✓ dedicated to parks, trees, and community landscaping
✓ dedicated to recreation and sports facilities for young and old
✓ dedicated to environmental sustainability